Your Guide to a Bone Healthy Diet

Calcium and Your Bones

According to the Bone Health and Osteoporosis Foundation (BHOF), getting enough calcium is important for building and maintaining strong bones. Many people ask how much calcium they should be getting from food or supplements. Start by reviewing BHOF’s Daily Calcium Recommendations to learn the total amount of calcium you need each day. Then estimate the amount of calcium you get from your diet and complete the Calcium Calculator chart to determine whether you’re getting enough calcium to meet your daily needs.


  • Under age 50 need a total of 1,000 milligrams (mg) of calcium* every day.
  • Women age 50 and older (or any women who is not menstruating) need a total of 1,200 mg of calcium* every day.
  • Under age 71 need a total of 1,000 mg of calcium* every day.
  • Age 71 and older need a total of 1,200 mg of calcium* every day.

* This includes the total amount of calcium you get from both food and supplements . Note: According to the Institute of Medicine (IOM), the safe upper limit for calcium is 2,000–2,500mg for most adults.

NEXT Estimate Your Calcium Intake